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Dedicated Occupational Therapist for the Centre

Currently the Phoenix Centre for Autism has no dedicated Occupational Therapist, and the children are struggling to access Occupational Therapy through the NHS due to a chronic lack of provision. As such, we are trying to raise £7,000 which would be enough to provide one year of a dedicated Occupational Therapist on site in the Unit for one day every other week.


This would make a huge difference to the Children in the Centre.​


If we can raise further funds, we would like to also have dedicated on site Speech and Language Therapy, which would cost a similar amount. ​




What is occupational therapy (OT)?​


We combine our senses (sight, sound, smell, touch, taste, balance and the sense of our body in space) in order to make sense of our environment. However, some autistic children and young people may have difficulty filtering sensory information, and it can become overwhelming, uncomfortable and/or painful.


​On the flip side, some autistic people actively seek sensory sensations to calm themselves, relieve anxiety and often just for pleasure and relaxation. Experiencing sensory stimuli differently from the neurotypical population is known as sensory processing differences. ​


Occupational therapists work to promote, maintain, and develop the skills needed by students to be functional in a school setting and beyond.  For example:


  • self-care (e.g. dressing, eating a meal, managing toileting needs and managing personal hygiene)

  • productivity (e.g. emotional regulation, levels of alertness, participation, hand writing and organisational skills)

  • leisure (e.g. socialising with friends, belonging to a group, participating in hobbies/play and motor skills for PE).​


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